Why I will always love being a designer?
Mar 30, 2024
Let’s agree, we all have read the articles which mentioned quitting the UX industry due to the amount of mental exhaustion a person is feeling. But the more I reflect, the more I love being a designer today. Why?
When I come to think of it, it has been my childhood dream to create and sleep as someone who creates at the end of the day no matter what and I found immense joy in putting things together, and today it is exactly what I get to do. I get to create digital experiences and bring my design education
Yes, for a lot of us, the reality looks different but that doesn’t take the power from us to create? I know it may sound philosophical when the world functions a bit differently, but I still believe we as designers have the power to create and be creative in ways no one can.
To conclude, this isn’t exactly a knowledge sharing / UX strategy / Job search tips post, but you may consider it under the category of “Why I started” and pat yourself in the back for how far you’ve come. :)